My Story

     My name is Eric Pereira AKA Wildmushroom born in the South Bronx 1977, as a child growing up in the mid 80's, I was inspired by martial arts, graffiti, music, and street-wear fashion.  I got into Parkour before the name itself was even mentioned in the United States which was inspired by my martial arts training. in fact, we never had a name for it. Such names like rooftop hopping, night jumping or ninja missions where the names used during the time in which case suited the purpose for most graffiti artist to get from one place to another without being seen or caught. The challenge was always getting to a spot where most graffiti artist couldn't get to or wouldn't dare or think about trying. This required lots of strength and fearless courage most of the time because carrying spray cans which meant extra body weight, climbing rooftops, walls, gates, even train surfing was very dangerous.  Unfortunately, the price was severe; getting caught or hurt was not an option. Dealing with authorities and vandal squad units was the ultimate test because these guys would chase you the whole night without given up. Get the picture, "laugh out loud."

     The motto was "keep striding forward and don't ever look back." So Parkour became my survival tool. Learning how to move my body over dangerous obstacles with extra weight required a lot of conditioning, training and discipline and that meant dedication which led me to where I am now, still moving like a child and using everything I know and love to this brand as a positive and inspirational symbol of my progression always moving forward and never quitting. So here I am today 30 years later trying to show the world that age is a figment of the imagination and taking the passion of your dreams and making them your own reality and inspiration....This is where the journey begins..